Greetings from Paige and Jake! Advance reader copies of The Moonglow Cafe are available in eBook format, in exchange for honest reviews. It is customary to ask for ARC reviews to be posted on (or near) a book’s release date, in this case April 28th. This helps the book’s ranking on Amazon and also opens up advertising opportunities that are only available after a certain number of reviews are posted.
I believe this is not common news to readers, but some advertising sites (yes, most of those emails and posts you see online with “deals/free/bargain” books are paid ads) require a minimum of 10 reviews and an average rating of 4.0 in order to be allowed to buy a paid spot in those promos. Some require a 4.2 average rating. Which makes early reviews very important. They don’t have to be long. One or two sentences and a star rating is all it takes.
Amazon prohibits exchanging or buying reviews, so all I can offer is my sincere appreciation and, of course, the advance copy of the eBook. But, hey, you’ll know what kind of trouble Paige gets into before others do!
The Moonglow Cafe is what I call a “Cozy No-One-Dies Mystery,” in keeping with a few people who have told me that a Cozy Mystery MUST have a murder. It is a light, easy, clean read. Romance diehards who are looking for juicy details will be disappointed. Thriller fans who want gore and violence won’t be pleased. But if this IS your type of story – sweet, cozy, fun – I invite you to read it in advance, in exchange for a review. Just leave your email address in a comment or drop me a note on my Facebook author page: Deborah Garner – Author